Navicare Turns One!

Navicare officially turned one year old on November 9, 2022. The team celebrated this event with the Isaac Regional Council’s mayor, Cr. Anne Baker, representatives from Mitsubishi Development and BHP/BMA, Wesley Research Institute, Uniting Care Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, and local service providers.

Luke Lindsay (General Manager, Uniting Care Queensland), Andrew Barron (CEO, Wesley Research Institute), Yasutaka Okamoto (Senior Vice President and Head of the Metallurgical Coal Division, Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd), Cr. Anne Mayor (Mayor, Isaac Regional Council), Leisha Westerman (Specialist Corporate Affairs - Communities, Coal Corporate Affairs, BHP), Kelly McGrath (Mental Health Care Navigator, Isaac Navicare), Keeley Ryan (Mental Health Care Navigator, Isaac Navicare), and Dr Zephanie Tyack (Senior Research Fellow, Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation, QUT).

In our first year, Navicare has supported over two hundred community members to access the best mental health support for their needs. The video below highlights who the service has helped and what the service has achieved in our first year.

Isaac Navicare celebrates its first birthday


Exercise and mental health


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