Moving forward with Navicare


After struggling to access mental health services in the Isaac region for years, Ellie has finally found the support she so desperately needed.

Here, Ellie shares her story about how Navicare connected her with a specialist psychologist, and how her life has changed for the better.

When I was referred to Navicare, I was dealing with anger issues, self-harm, drug addiction, anxiety, and depression from things that have happened to me in the past. The Care Navigator just chatted to me about what was going on in my life and what was important to me. I wasn’t able to afford the cost of going to a psychologist, plus there weren’t any available where I live. She was able to refer me to a psychologist who could bulk-bill my appointments. We sat down together, and she matched me with a therapist I thought I would like.

Since having my counselling, I have been able to let go of some of the traumatic events in my past, and let go of some of the anger and other emotions that were affecting my relationships. The therapist has taught me strategies to help deal with strong emotions when they come up so that I don’t blow up or hurt myself anymore. These strategies have also helped me to address some of my issues with addiction.

My relationship with my partner has improved, I feel so much lighter, and I feel genuinely happy with how my life is going right now. The counselling has helped me so much. I can’t tell you how important is has been to help me move forward.

I bought a “mental health matters” shirt and now wear it proudly. I want people to know that there are people out there who get it, and I hope that knowing that might help someone through a tough time. I’m even considering doing a Certificate in Community Services so that I can help other people the way Navicare has helped me.

For assistance in accessing counselling and psychology services, or if you would like to use the Navicare Telehealth room for your appointment, call Kelly at the Navicare office on 0477 869 847, or (07) 4941 9784.


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