Michelle Landry Visit

Mental Health Care Navigators Kelly McGrath and Keeley Ryan, and CEO of Wesley Research Institute Andrew Barron met with the Honourable Michelle Landry, Federal Member of Parliament for the Capricornia region in Moranbah to discuss the vital needs of mental health support in the region, and the important role Isaac Navicare plays in supporting the Isaac community.

Mental Health Care Navigators Kelly McGrath and Keeley Ryan, Michelle Landry & Andrew Barron, Wesley Research Institute CEO

During her visit to the Isaac Navicare hub at the Moranbah Youth & Community Centre, discussions were held on the impact the service was having across the Isaac region and a small part of the Central Highlands, with Navicare helping almost 600 individuals since opening in November 2021. They also discussed how the upcoming expansion and employment of additional care navigators would have immeasurable impact in our local communities, and on reducing the load on our regional Hospital and Health Services.  

The team highlighted the diverse demographics of those we support and the multifaceted services we facilitate, as well as discussed the future expansions and evaluations via Queensland University of Technology (QUT) ‘The  Bridging Study’ funded by a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Partnership Grant.

Michelle left with a lasting impression of Navicare’s commitment to supporting and enabling people from these regional, rural, and remote communities to seek much-needed help and information on mental health, removing many of the barriers associated with accessing specialist health care in the region.


Isaac Navicare Pilot Evaluation


The Bridging Study Update