Navicare Launch


Navicare is Isaac’s new mental health hub and care navigation service. Located at the Moranbah Youth & Community Centre, this free service helps residents connect with the most appropriate mental health support for their needs.

Dr Claudia Giurgiuman, Chief Executive Officer of Wesley Medical Research, explained that the purpose of Navicare is to connect help-seekers with the support and practical assistance they need to find their way around the health system. “We have employed a Mental Health Care Navigator in the Isaac Region to provide much-needed support, while also promoting education and awareness of mental health services. In addition, this specialist will assist with telehealth appointments, co-ordinate case management with providers and link help-seekers with local healthcare partners and networks. It’s about providing guidance to the right care, for the right person, at the right place and time.”

Navicare was established following community research conducted by Wesley Medical Research in collaboration with Queensland University of Technology’s Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation. The funding for this research and the establishment of the Navicare service was provided by Mitsubishi Development.  Mitsubishi Development Chief Executive Officer, Sadahiko Haneji said the initiative commenced following concerns about the prolonged effects COVID would have on a community already at a higher risk of poor mental health.

Dr Claudia Giurguman (CEO, Wesley Medical Research), Taro Abe (Senior Vice President and Head of Metallurgical Coal Division, Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd), Charlie Sartain (Board Chairman, Wesley Medical Research), Cr. Anne Baker (Mayor, Isaac Regional Council), & Kelly McGrath, Isaac Navicare Mental Health Care Navigator

“We knew our mining communities would be more vulnerable in this environment and while there are already so many organisations doing great work in this space, people are still falling through the gaps. The Navicare service is about providing a local and trusted Care Navigator in the community to tailor solutions to an individual’s unique situation – threading any gaps by pairing support available in the community with specialist options available in other locations through new mechanisms like Telehealth,” Mr Haneji said. “We are so pleased to be funding this potentially life-changing work.”

Isaac Regional Council’s Mayor Anne Baker was invited to officiate the opening of Navicare on November 9, 2021.

Mayor Baker thanked Mitsubishi Development and Wesley Medical Research for their critical investment into the mental health and well-being of the Isaac community. “Here in Isaac, we are passionate about mental health and wellbeing support,” Mayor Baker said. “We believe people living and working in rural and remote areas deserve the same access to mental health services as those living in our major cities. Council has long advocated for better health outcomes for our region. The Navicare Hub aligns with this position and is an extremely welcome support service for our communities.”


Navicare Partner - My Mirror


Navicare Christmas Hours