Navicare Partner - My Mirror


In rural and remote areas, accessing mental health support can be challenging. In areas like Isaac, many people work long shifts that prevent them from accessing nine-to-five health services.

On top of that, there are often long waiting times for appointments for local providers, or you might need to travel long distances to other towns to access support. If you need help for your mental health, waiting for months could lead to your problems getting worse.

The My Mirror digital online psychology clinic brings psychologists to your home, when and where you need it.  My Mirror has partnered with Wesley Medical Research and Isaac Navicare to increase access to psychologists for Isaac residents. Their digital solution provides an immediate solution to address the mental health crisis by eliminating most geographical, financial, stigma and time-related barriers that often make it difficult to seek therapy. 

The My Mirror registered and clinical psychologists are available after-hours with sessions available up to twenty-one hours per day, seven days a week, which means you can access support that suits your working schedule. Using their matching system, you choose a psychologist with the skills and experience that suit your needs. Without the need to travel to a physical location, you can use My Mirror services from any device in the comfort of your chosen surroundings.

My Mirror also offers Employer-Employee Programs, an alternative to traditional EAP’s. Offering accessible and affordable services to businesses of any size that are tailored to their specific needs. “Our service is perfectly positioned to meet the needs of the modern workplace or employees who are unable to access mental health services during the day due to work commitments,” says Kate Robertson, General Manager of My Mirror. “The next barrier is the dark cloud of stigma hovering over the seeking and receipt of mental health. This especially can be the case in workplaces and smaller towns with close communities and with lower access to psychologists. We work with businesses to provide a meaningful, customised service that actually suits your staff needs.”

My Mirror is a user-led model, simply create an account using the QR code or via the website to access your portal and book a session. 

For any assistance using the platform, or if you would like to use the Navicare Telehealth room for your appointment, call Kelly at the Navicare office on 0477 869 847, or (07) 4941 9784.


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